Practice what you Teach.

This course, the Psychobiology of Stress, has taught me over and over again how important it is to take care of both mental and physical health and well-being.

I am trying to take that message to heart as I transition to a job that will help me to better balance my family and work life. I will be taking a job at the Goddard School in Woodlake, a really nice early childhood development center. I’ll be just 3 minutes from my home… as opposed to driving an hour to work each day- and believe me, that will be a lot less stress in my life!! I’ll also be working in the same building with my daughter and will be able to continue learning about parenting and education (some of the things I’ve been studying in lab rats) in some hands-on and human kinds of ways.

I hope to be able to make use of all the time I’ll save not driving to exercise more, garden more, and create more home-cooked and healthy meals… creating the healthy body and mind I advocate in our class!

While changing jobs is stressful, I hope the result will be a lot less stress in my life, and less stress for my family. I’ll have to let you know how this big experiment goes!

5 Responses to “Practice what you Teach.”

  1. 1 Philip April 28, 2011 at 6:19 pm

    Congratulations and good luck! Does this count as a comment? haha

  2. 2 Laura May 1, 2011 at 3:18 pm

    Great to hear that! Good luck with everything 🙂

  3. 3 eglundberg May 2, 2011 at 12:21 am

    Congrats!! Since your new job it really seems like a great opportunity for you to progress and try to live life stress free! This class has taught us a lot about the appropriate ways of dealing with stress, and how there always is a way out to reduce it. Good luck and hopefully you will be able to live your new life much better than you have been recently!

    • 4 Marianna Wills May 2, 2011 at 12:27 am

      Again, congraduations and good luck! And yep, I think we’re all keeping in mind what we are learning about ways to deal with stress. I definately know that I am trying to do things differently (although making sure I get enough sleep is probably the hardest). I can also definately see stress affect people a lot more in all the ways we have studied. Good luck at being able to keep your stress free techniques in mind and at putting them to good use! I think the best advice is to just remeber to smile everyday. 🙂

  4. 5 treyh43 May 12, 2011 at 12:31 am

    I have always thought that parenting must be a big time stressor. My mom always told me that when she had me, that I did not come with directions. I do know one thing that my parents did know to do and that was to stress the importance of family and to strengthen the bond between family members. Congratulations on the new job and I hope your life is less stressful with the hour drive to work removed.

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