Ways to Keep Your Cool

I came across an article, that was published in a past issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine, and I guess men have been complaining about how “bitchy” women can get when they’re stress, because this article lists ten Ways To Stop Stress and the bitchiness that can come with it.

While some of the stress management techniques listed are ones that I have heard or read about before I was surprised to see some techniques mentioned that I had never heard of before. One example of a new and interesting technique that I learned from this article was that if you take a coffee break to get away for a few moments during a busy day, go with a group of friends. According to Cosmo’s number 2 de-stress method, “A study found that getting a caffeine fix in a group lowered stress levels. But sipping coffee alone left people feeling more stressed.” I found this relationship between caffeine and social interaction very interesting. Another technique mentioned that surprised me was number 9 on the list. Number 9 tells readers that when they feel ready to snap it is better to talk slower, “When you’re tense, you speak more rapidly, which changes your body’s chemistry and turns you into an F-bomb-dropping machine. Talking at a calmer pace will chill you out, and you’ll be more likely to get what you want.” I had never really thought about this before but the more I see the truth behind it, and it is just one more example of how our psychological state directly connects to our body’s chemistry.

I also really liked this article because I felt as though it targeted people in my demographic. The methods mentioned are definitely ones that I can see applying to my everyday life. Learning how to budget and say the word no, are two techniques mentioned that I personally could definitely benefit from.

2 Responses to “Ways to Keep Your Cool”

  1. 1 eglundberg May 15, 2011 at 8:37 pm

    I read the article, and it was really interesting. I thought it was neat reading that going with a group of friends for a coffee break would reduce your stress level than going alone. Also in the article it said that you should try to set a budget so that when you are stressed you can treat yourself to a shopping trip. That is really hard to do, but I can see how it could help in the long run!

  2. 2 danielledheron May 17, 2011 at 1:36 am

    I also read this article, and I loved it! I can vouch for the tip on the group caffeine fix. Whenever, I am the most stressed I take a trip to Starbucks but never alone. Even if it is just for 10 minutes, that chit-chat with girlfriends plus the little indulgence of a sweet-caffeine fix gives me time to breathe. This way once the break is over I feel re-focused and ready to take on the stressor.

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